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The Backpack Journal

  • National Photography Month - More than a backpack
    May 19, 2022

    National Photography Month

    Did you know that May is National Photography Month? Neither did we! There’s a national day, week or month for pretty much everything these days but, hey, if it gives us the opportunity to shout about our amazing backpacks, then...

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  • Mother's Day USA - More than a backpack
    April 28, 2022

    Mother's Day USA

    We all love mom. She gives us so much all year round so, at least once in that year, it’s so important to take the time and give a little bit back. That’s why, at More Than A Backpack, we...

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  • K-POP Sensations - More than a backpack
    April 8, 2022

    K-POP Sensations

    You might have noticed, recently, that the world has been swept with absolute K-Pop mania. Groups like BTS, BlackPink and EXO have taken over Tik-Tok, Instagram, and the entire digital world, blessing our ear-holes with funky beats. We just can’t...

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  • Spring Cleaning - More than a backpack
    February 24, 2022

    Spring Cleaning

    Is that the first whiff of Spring I smell in the air? I think so! It might be a little early but, with that said, does anyone feel a Spring clean coming on? Spring cleaning is the perfect time, not...

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  • Our Black Friday Sale 2021 - More than a backpack
    November 22, 2021

    Our Black Friday Sale 2021

    With Halloween out of the way, is anyone else starting to hear bells ringing in the distance? Just me? Alright. Before we go all in on that special time of year, we’ve only got the small matters of Thanksgiving and...

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